
Look at the test tubes and the post-it notes. Can you make any connection? Colours, maybe?
It looks as though you need to do some maths. Is there anything in the box which might help you find some numbers related to the contents of the test tubes and the post-it notes?
Using the periodic table in the box, find the chemical number for the elements in the coloured test tubes and the elements on the coloured post-it notes. Use the numbers to complete the calculations.
The answer to each calculation will lead you to another element in the periodic table.
Each test tube has a corresponding post-it note in the same colour. Take the red test tube. It contains Gallium. Using the periodic table, you can see that the chemical number for Gallium is 31. The red post-it note tells you to calculate Gallium plus Hydrogen. The chemical number for Hydrogen is 1. 31 + 1 = 32. The element with the chemical number 32 is Germanium. The chemical symbol for Germanium is Ge. Go through all of the test tubes and post-it notes, and complete the calculations to find the letters. Arrange them in the order of a 'sky arc' - rainbow.
RED: Gallium (31) + Hydrogen (1) = Germanium (32) -Ge-. ORANGE: Mercury (80) ÷ Oxygen (8) = Neon (10) -Ne-. YELLOW: Rubidium (37) x 2 then + Silicon (14) = Radium (88) -Ra-. GREEN: Caesium (55) + Sodium (11) then ÷ Lithium (3) = Titanium (22) -Ti-. BLUE: Francium (87) - Bismuth (83) then x Helium (2) = Oxygen (8) -O-. INDIGO: One fifth of Bromine (35) = Nitrogen (7) - N-. GeNeRaTiON. This is your ten-letter password to move on. Click 'solve'.