You have reached the crucial stage… It’s time to bring together all of your rewards and every piece of information you have gathered to locate the elusive elixir.
Open the envelope you have been directed to. You will find a poster for the International Ingenuity Conference, together with a piece of manuscript containing ancient alchemical symbols. Bring these two together to help you make sense of the rewards and make one last journey.
When you know where Professor Opus has hidden the elixir, use the name of that country as your final password. All lower case.
Look at the conference flyer. All of the scientists you have met are timetabled to speak on the final day. The title of each presentation on the main stage will tell you which order the scientists will appear. Could this help you to put the rewards in the necessary order?
Look at the manuscript of alchemical symbols. Do any of them appear familiar? This could be a 'rewarding' development. What have you been given?
On the conference flyer, you might have noticed fractions on the timetable. How do these fractions link to the names of the alchemical symbols you were given? Had you been given the symbol for Vitriol as a reward and you saw the fraction 2/7, the answer would be i. The second letter out of the seven in Vitriol is i. Work out all of the letters you need. This will give you three words.
The manuscript shows that the alchemical symbols are split into three different categories: planetary metals, mundane elements, and alchemical compounds. Is there anything else in the manuscript to suggest in which order the three words you have uncovered need to be used?
You frequently heard the phrase 'what three words' in the last video. Have you heard of the global mapping tool what3words? If you don't have the app, you can also use it through an internet browser... Do you happen to have three words to lead you to a very specific location?
Japan rewards: Lead (1/4 = L) and Tin (2/3 = I). Canada rewards: Quicksilver (9/11 = V) and Silver (5/6 = E). Jamaica rewards: Manganese (7/9 = E), Bismuth (6/7 = T) and Oxygen (5/6 = E). France rewards: Phosphorus (8/10 = R) and Nickel (1/6 = N). Germany rewards: Zinc (2/4 = I), Platinum (4/8 = T), and Antimony (8/8 = Y). Switzerland rewards: Aqua Fortis (5/10 = F) and Sal Ammoniac (7/11 = O). Greece rewards: Vinegar (7/7 = R) and Amalgam (2/7 = M).
The Japanese and Canadian rewards are all in the 'planetary metals' category and spell out LIVE. The Jamaican, French and German rewards are all in the 'mundane elements' category and spell out ETERNITY. The Swiss and Greek rewards are all in the 'alchemical compounds' category and spell out FORM. The note at the bottom of the manuscript tells you that the order they should be used in what3words is planet, compound, then mundane. You should enter LIVE.FORM.ETERNITY into the what3words app or using the webpage. This will take you to a location in...