Such beautiful stained-glass windows. Look closely at your next puzzle and solve it to be rewarded with another rune and reveal the location of the next puzzle. Do you remember the cryptic message that was left for you?
Look at the centre of each window. Can you see a shape? Match it with the large shapes at the sides of the image. Be careful. There are five windows but only four shapes. Or are there only four shapes? Where might the triangles be hiding?
What colour is the large shape? Perhaps the colour of the shape has something to do with the window it is partnered with. The colours 'count'. How many pieces of glass are there of that colour in the window?
(Square window? Count the blue pieces because the square is blue.)
Do this for all windows.
Hopefully, you will have counted the number of blue pieces of glass in the square window. Did you get 11? Look at the grid. Blue and 11. What could that mean? Join them up to reveal a letter. Do that for each window. What do the letters spell?
The letters spell out: caves