

The life of a hermit is not for everyone. Old Demelza has lived in these caves for 30 years with just her music for company. And Trevor. Solve the puzzle to gain another rune and reveal the next puzzle location.

Use the luggage tag to identify the notes circled. Musical notes are given letters as their names.
Look at the keyboard in picture two for the next step. Now that you know the letter names of the notes and which order they are played in, maybe it will all begin to 'add up'. Other mathematical operations may be needed! Remember... A = 1 (so Z = 26) The faded keys in picture 1 will help you to locate the notes on the keyboard.
The Romans definitely knew their numerals! When you have carried out the calculation for each note, you will have a new number. A still = 1. Don't forget, musical notes must be played in the order that they are written in.
When the original notes have been calculated with the keys, the new numbers spell out: the pub